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So here it is! I've decided to blog about all the chaos, calamities and comedy of being a first time mum, living in a village with NO transport in the beautiful countryside with two overgrown Labradors (horses) that rely on me as much as my son does! Oh, and lets not forget about the overgrown 6ft5 man-child that is my *ahem* wonderful *ahem* partner. You can also find our adventures on Instagram and Twitter, just follow the links.

Home: Welcome

Diabetic dramas & delights.

Now, this might be a long post this time around, but I had a thought that I should probably explain my struggle with Diabetes a little...

Crying, Creon & Cystic Fibrosis.

So I thought, seeing as I’ve mentioned about BB’s teeny tiny pot of Creon a few times, I should explain a little about his Cystic...

The story of Country Mumming.

Who am I and what is she all about I'm sure you're thinking. What makes me different? If I'm honest, I have no idea myself! So here's a...

Home: Blog2


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